Hey chenzo good to hear you will be back on the water soon. Where did u get your UMI pole from? how much $$$ did it cost. Did your pole snap because of the way the ski landed when you were trying a barrel roll?? You need to get some video of you atempting a barrel roll
Yea, was a bit of a bad day! I got the pole from GP Engineering, down in Nelson. Paid $600 for it. The guy that owns the Shop manufactures his own poles that are based on the UMI ones but are stronger and lighter apparently. He can make them to any length you want as well. He charges $700 for those ones though. I just went with the UMI pole cos he had it there and it was a bit cheaper. Website : www.gpengineering.co.nz
ol' capt white sox was busting out barrel rolls a few weeks back off some pretty big port waikato surf!! ...didnt get any on camera tho
Apparently I can't do them yet, I just bust my ski trying! haha I might have a shot at it in the sea, could be a bit easier with a wave to get some air off? Flat water is prooving tricky, I may need more horsepower???
Chenzo I don't think you could get any more HP out of your motor.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hak81LhP ... hp?t=21988 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s17qb07N ... hp?t=22184 That guy is ridding a stock SJ with ODI grips and lifters
Haha, na Iv got heaps of room for more horse power! Its still a 701 so I have the 760 option, maybe a bit more compression? I still have a fairly mild impellor in it so could go for a freestyle one with heaps of bite. Or I could just handle the jandle and practice more! lol That would be my cheapest option!
Practice is the best idea All you need is a good set up wake, If you can get that going then you will be flat water rolling in no time.
You can even do resonable flat water rolls without a setup wake but by doin a pre-hop. I've been practacin stabs using the pre-hop method but im still a long way off!
Well the new prop is in and it pulls like porn star! Turns out the one I had in there was a Solas Concord 13/17. The new one is 13/15 set back 3mm. I was quite surprised cos I was expecting to lose a lot of top end but its still pretty quick, enough to buck me off anyway! Hook up is amazing and I can get the ski to flip over my head without too much trouble. Very Happy!!
I wouldnt know how fast it would go to be honest but its fast enough for a free ride ski. The hook up is what got me, it will hook up hard even in aerated water. It is sitting in a different part of the rev range now, it revs a little higher when ya just cruising and so spools up quicker. Real nice in the surf.
Where did ya get the impeller from? cost? Is it a purely freestyle pitch one? I'm keen for a new impeller when I get the cash
I think you will be surprised to be honest. You can kinda look at it as like changing gears in your car. I guess iv effectively done a 2 gear chop! lol You dont need a huge amount of horsepower to drive it. Obviously more HP's are going to be good but im not sure they are essential. Impro's recommend this prop for all SJ Freestyle boats. Send Dave at www.impros.com an email, tell him what you have and tell him what you do on ya ski and let him make a recommendation. He's the pro! lol I got mine for $400NZ through Roger.