Chenzo's Super Jet Project!!

Discussion in 'User's Rides and Builds' started by CHENZO, July 2, 2007.


    CHENZO Member

    Not totally sure when it will be finished. It will probably take him 2 or 3 weeks id say. Then il just come up for a weekend and put it back together and Roger will do the tune.

    Unfortunatly no one down here sells 98. I guess there just isnt the market for it in New Plymouth. 95 is the highest we go here.
  2. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    That ski is gonna rip your arms off lol. so the big question now, how much money have you spent on this ski so far???

    CHENZO Member

    Im hoping so!! Who needs arms anyway! lol

    At this stage its costs me 4k for the ski and around 4k for the parts.
    This figure will go higher im sure.
    Im picking the total build cost to be around the 5 to 6k mark? Will see how it goes I guess?

    Got some bad news from Roger today so cost just went up a tad, but hey, its all fun and games! Ill get there in the end!
  4. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    it sure is going to be a nice ski chenzo 8) if you have a gull servy down your way run there 96 as its close to 98 but they advitise it as 96. what was the bad news???

    CHENZO Member

    We dont have gull down here either. Av gas is easy to get so il run with that.

    Just found out that my engine needs a new barrel or at least new sleeves.
    It had rebuild by Bob The Builder and Tim The Tool Man Taylor and hence was inside out, back to front and just generally rooted!
    It had be way over bored and when Roger put the next size up piston in the bore just to see how it fit, it fell straight out the bottom.
    The skirts off the bottom of the bores were also broken off!

    Not sure what we are going to do but if roger doesnt have another set of sleeves or a barrel we will have to go for a 760 barrel which will put my build price up by another grand or so!! Grrrrrrr!!
  6. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    bum deal dude :( but at least your motors in the right hands! roger will sort it.
  7. craig

    craig Member

    mmm. u could get some brand new 760 barrels and pistons from yamaha :idea:
  8. craig

    craig Member

  9. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    That is a really cool site :)
  10. CHENZO

    CHENZO Member

    Yea, il see what Roger comes up with.
    760 will be a last resort as im not keen to go so big but we will see what happens.
    760 really would rip my arms off!!

    Still its all fun and games, thats what engine building is all about! If it all went smoothly then it would be half as much fun! lol
  11. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    hows the build coming along? roger got your barrel sorted?
  12. CHENZO

    CHENZO Member

    Yea managed to find some sleeves so they are going in this week.
    I think he port matched the intake over the weekend and just needs to start on the crank case porting.

    Not sure what his time frame is but another week or so id say.
    Im really keen to get it back on the water now that Droughty has a ski again. Its never too cold for jetskiing!!
  13. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    Hey chenzo any updates on your ski??
  14. CHENZO

    CHENZO Member

    Nothing really to report at this stage. Had a few crankshaft issues so a bit of machining was required to fit a sleeve but other than that its all going well.
    Should be all done and back in my ski within 3 weeks im hoping!
  15. CHENZO

    CHENZO Member

    Well Saturday is the day, im trippin up to Auckland and the donks goin back in! All done and looking nice and shiney on Rogers bench.

    Gona put it back together on Saturday then off to tune and run in on Sunday!
    Il post pics and write a blurb and lets ya's know how it goes!
  16. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    probably see ya there. Im tuning sunday with D powers.
  17. CHENZO

    CHENZO Member

    Oh Sweet, do you tune at the same place Roger does? Some where south of the bombays?
  18. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    yea its a sweet spot for tuning and playing around. Il hav 2 see what time hes going, probably afta lunch id say.
  19. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

  20. CHENZO

    CHENZO Member

    yea not sure when it will be to be honest. Roger has two SXR's to muck around with as well so id say we will try be there kinda early? Dunno, could be wrong?

    Tukau sounds like it could be right? Just a nice piece od flat water perfect for tuning im told! lol