As we all know. Sand is not our friend. But that did not stop me from Hitting one at full noise, Going over me handle bars Breaking the Bars in half. Just a little reminder for all of us.. It hurts trust me...
I've had that same experience. I came rippin past a seagull and noticed was it standing in about an inch of water then.....POW over the bars, no helmet, head first into a ton of broken shells. Then the tide was going out as fast as I could drag my ski, blood everywhere from the huge gash in my head. Not a good day.
I done a stab over the front of a wave once and the water was way shallower than I realised. Went nose first straight into the sand, got absolutly pole axed and smashed all four engine mounts! Floated into shore, took off the hood and the engine was sitting up on the tank and the drive coupler had ground itself nicely into a few bits. I had a huge bruise right across my lower stomach!! Chenzo learnt his lesson that day!!
Was jumping over the back of a wave to come in and turn around when the water starting peeling back whilst mid air only to reveal the sand that I was about to land on - needless to say I rolled my blaster and myself a few times and tore the ligament clean off my thumb - had to have surgery to stitch it back to the bone. Not much fun and the bars ended up looking like a boomarang!
lol some good ones here , ihavent hit the bottom and hurt my self , the worst i have have done is slamed into the bond rail on the side off my x2 hard enough to rip my shin open to the bone and need 13 stiches to close it up again . those flat water tricks can be harder to do than they look lol
This is awesome. Keep the stories coming. its good to hear about what i'm getting myself into. I figured there would be some pain in the sport. Nice to know what to avoid and get to laugh at other peoples pain at the same time
oops I have been over the handlebars twice on my old 750 where we ride sometimes (brooklands lagoon) the tide goes out and I thought i was in the channel leading back to the ramp but was on the flat and whamo flat on my back in the water with sore hip wondering what the hell happened I still cant believe how fast it happens. Needless to say I dont go near that part of the lagoon on the sxr!!!!
LOL. Have you still got those Carbon reeds for sale? I keep meaning to buy them off TM but each time something else comes up.
reeds I have still got them havnt bothered relisting yet if you want them send a pm sometime. Cheers......
funny to read about all these accidents, i guess its a guide of what not to do. :lol: back in the 80s my mum's 550 came down on her knee out at piha and the ride plate broke her kneecap...stil got a meaty scar today