where is your bilge pump outlet?

Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by glukasil, April 29, 2009.

  1. glukasil

    glukasil Member

    hi guys .
    i have a bilge pump that pumps water on a side of jetski.
    do anyone of you have outlets at the back of jetski in water ?
    if you are going it will help a lot to suck water out....
    1. outlet will be lower so less work for pump to lift it.
    2. low pressure at outlet will help sucking water making it faster.
    3. less load on pump....
    4. less draining battery...

    what do you think....
    be active , lets talk.
  2. Redtro

    Redtro Member

    nah don't do it.
    theyve been working mint for 20 years the way they are
  3. blitza

    blitza Member

    5, when you're not moving it'll sink
    6, when the pump isn't switched on. it'll sink