Well, my ski has been molested quite a lot over the last few years...Every time is breaks, I upgrade but try to keep to reliable... Anyway, the list goes something like this... 98 Hull 62T @ 83mm w/pro-x pistons Denny Moran port work Hot Rods crank with edge windowed bearings R&D Dominator manifold with oem 46mm Mikuni's V-force II reeds and spacer ADA girdled head running 185-190psi MSD digital dual pickup total loss ignition FPP Type 9 dry pipe Carbon fibre re-enforcment (3 layers) ATP foot holds ATP scupper valve ATP pole limiter ATP pole bracket UMI Steering/0 degree bars Jetski Solutions dash switches, primer kit, fuel pickups Blowsion Tubbie II's Stock D-cut ride plate Solas Concord 13/16 -3 from Impros Adjustable pump cones Worx WR201 grate Lowering stock hood and custom nose piece is happening at the moment. There's probably more...but I can't think right now! It's a really nice snappy rec ski, and also quite fast on the race track. It's probably too much for the surf though. I find myself over rotating barrel rolls on a regular basis, which is funny as before my last mods, I was under rotating them due to lack of pop off the waves. Here's some pics before I started modding the hood...
I'm not sure what you mean by that... I'll presume you mean that dry pipes (or this pipe in particular) has no bottom end. Sure, it's what the masses agree with, but unless you use a real ignition you'll never see the benfits of a dry pipe full stop. I changed from a b-limited back to the dry pipe, and I have a lot more bottom end punch than I've ever had. If you know what you are doing with your porting/ignition/pipe combo, you can get a dry pipe to work better than a b-pipe and less tuning is required. I'm no pro, but a lot of them run dry pipes and love them.
i think aquaholic was meaning the big dry pipes dont handle the knocks too well (crack, break mounts etc) compared to the B-pipes Very nice ski too!!!
Now thats some mods! Makes my ski look like a stocker! lol I agree with knoxie, I think aquaholic may have been meaning that too. Have you had any breakage issues with the pipe?
Thanks for the comments... Sorry, I wasn't sure! Nah, no issues with anything breaking in the surf. There's plenty of clearance between the pipe and the hood, and hood lip. The lord mounts are looking a little worse for wear, but they are still fine and are nice and stiff. As for the ski in the background...that belongs to a mate. I just did a big bore job on it. It's seen a few races, and might see a few more once it's run in.
There is heaps of pole skis over here watty ski is awesome and he is right you set up a dry pipe right you get great low end
U boys hit it on the head, just meaning mounting hardware etc. At least with a B-pipe you fit it and forget about it!
Hey Watty, Your ski looks mean, Can you please post some photos of the clearance between the pipe and the hull/ hood lip area and the pipe and the top of the head? I am working on a project ski and the type 9 pipe may be the way I am headed. Cheers Tim
Not watty sorry but you will find the type 9 gets very close to the lip you are talking about there i have one in my 04 superjet They are a great pipe they dont have the throttle response of a b-pipe until you put some timing into them and then hang the hell on [/img]