Works manifold with Single 46mm Mikuni carb Blowsion Primer Boyesen Carbon Fibre Reeds Racelogic Port w/ transfers & sleeve drop Ported cases Skimmed Head Factory B Pipe to 47mm w/ FX1 Chamber MSD Enhancer Carbon Fibre Reinforced Hull Dalsuion Pole Bracket Dalusion Pole Mount Reinforcing Bracket UMI Pole Blowsion Heavy Duty Pole Spring UMI Steering UMI Straight bars Blowsion Lightweight Chinpad Dalusion Engine Keepers 1100 GPH Rule Bilge Pump Blowsion One Way Drain Valve Concord Prop Worx 201 Grate Jetdynamics Rideplate Blowsion Kicker Footholds Paint Camo Mat
Hey Rumble, Good to see you got that SJ, What has rick got now? or is he on to something else by now it has been more than 2 weeks! You still looking for some stators/flywheels? Mine turned up in 6 days from the US the guy has a couple more in stock mine cost $340 including freight. Cheers Tim
Nah not really planning much at the mo, its just had new crank seals... Just after reliability at the mo.. Sick of fixing my skis. Bottom end kicks ass but a little to be desired up high. Got my standard stator & flywheel off Inga... The FX1 is going HARD with mostly standard shit on it which is weird... But yeah I might look at getting it and some other spares - Got a nice big garage / workshop now. Inga will be looking for one now I think... I'll let him know. I assume thats seconds at that price? Or aftermarket?
Yes seconds but farked if I can tell looks brand spanking new. Will see how it goes this weekend with some luck.
re im all sorted got some 61x coils off tofa,got backing plate off lucus an fly wheel off roger,now just need new prop!shes little sad down low just has no bite!little worn i think!