Rocker Blaster Info

Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by player1, October 8, 2014.

  1. player1

    player1 New Member

    As in the words of a Kiwi at the RNR on a certain ski "The Only thing Uglier than that is a Dingo"

    So here the requested info on making your sexy blaster perform even better..

    Blaster Kits -

    there are 3 moulds i believe, 4 nose types..

    Zipties nose kit, super steep nose, very short. (friday's in W.A. has kit)- hardcore turning, short as, which is awesome, a shit load of water in your face - splash guard will fix that. - Skis that have similar or same. (matt's new blaster, fibbo's blaster, keirens Blaster) - Loses gas cap, not good at top speed.

    Player 1 Blaster Nose. Gradual Rocker, Small chines - (no production copies available). no spray, a lot looser and slides more than above and a bit longer, ski still goes flat out no problem.. keeps gas gap. rotates smooth as there is little impact resistance.

    Carter B new nose (my nose, upgraded to try and get the best of both worlds, is available). - Longer, turns quite hard, a bit of splash, no splash guard. Has more aggressive chines up the sides so grips well.. keeps gas cap - however you could bond it closer to make it shorter.
    (Luke Rotoloniewithcheese has it, I have it on other b1, and i think a few others, about 8 skis or so, now ever more in the states.)

    Jay's new nose / Super steep still - ( no moulds yet) - hardcore turning (like 1st nose), shortish, no spray, has splash guard. I'd say this is Gen 2 of "zipties nose". definitely a bit better. - Loses gas cap

    Personally i like my longer nose, but i also love the shorter nose and the hardcore turning of jays nose. it's like having 2 surfboards, one fun board and one comp board. The less agressive noses go through the lip better, the more agressive harder. the bigger the surf, the less agro you want the nose. The nose is meant to compliment the curve of the wave. With every wave different. that should be easy as Bru!
    Last edited: October 9, 2014
  2. player1

    player1 New Member

    The rear end. The shorter, the faster it rotates.

    It makes regular trick quite hard. But as you saw with Pierre. You just start doing everything inverted!!!
  3. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    Haha dingo...