is that you pete smith, didnt you use to ride a wave runner 3seater, a white blue and red one,back in the day, was it you who hit that bridge?
Yea thats me. At least i didnt make an idiot out of myself at Waikaraka Park in front of 6000 people when they filled it up with water. That was YOU!
hey i went to that with my dad when i was about 13 or so... I just remember some kunt on a sit down trying to beat that jetboats time on the sprint course and a bunch of dudes on poleskis parked up not riding on the side.
Depends what you call a legend. Could be 4 many things like, muff diving, Making Linda Meallor blush ( sorry DJ ) Telling Richard Lucas,s parents that there son is gay or even comin back when im 40 years old and whippin these little rich kids arses! Which one?
U still full of yourself I see Pete. Hey Jip cant help it if he's gay, he lives in the Hawkes bay! You wern't the only one making a fool of yourself jip, I think I tried to pass Darren bird on my squarenose and ended up on the concrete wall. At least I wasn't doing freestyle with a dog on a 750 kawi like Matt.
Don't worry mate, everyone makes Linda blush!!! Think it was Blar Blar hitting the wall at Waikaraka park on his super fast HX that he couldn't ride. God that guy was awsome at riding like a muppet!!! Petes a legend for hitting the eject button on the front straight of the first lap at the 02 nats in christchurch. That was some high speed fu*k up mate!!!!
Blaster Anyone help me find a blaster 1 for sale? Cheap az. l dont give a crap what the hull is like. Pete Smith 0275 450669
Hey Pete you old fuck, the red Blaster on trademe is my mates old one out of japan, it is MINT!! the fuel tank is still white, he sold it to the guy who is selling it now for $2500.00, I phoned him a while ago and he said he would take $3000.00.
Re: petes ginger ass Gees you are a funny bugger! At least when l ride a pole ski my tummy is behind the handlebars not resting on the hood!!!!!!!!!!!!