Need riding contacts!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Iwanagopro, February 7, 2014.

  1. Iwanagopro

    Iwanagopro New Member

    YO! Im on the northshore albany area and have seen a few guys riding at orewa, just thought id see if any one wouldnt mind me tagging along? My skis not too fast just a 650 superjet. if anyones keen for a ride any weather, flick me a txt 02102395018
  2. NickM

    NickM Member

    Hey bud! I do all of my skiing on the shore. Usually go in at Browns Bay and then head up and down the coast from there. Ill flick you a text next time I head out. Might be spending this weekend in the garage though unfortunately....
  3. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    That was Matt and Craig at Orewa, keep you posted
  4. Dylan

    Dylan Member

    Stu are you forgetting me mate, shouldn't be long now just have to wait for her to get shipped up here... fingers crossed no longer than two weeks
  5. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    we are back riding a bit at orewa
    more the merrier
    will keep in touch
  6. bombsquad

    bombsquad Member

    I just moved to the shore too, skis still in Hamilton til I sus a proper flat but ill be heading out at some stage too