Pretty stocko at the moment But Factory B Pipe Tau Ceti Flame Arrestor Worx Dominator Ride Plate Worx Intake Grate Turf & Paint.
Plans for winter.. -Foot holds and replacing the brand new turf dammit :? -Impeller and Stubby Cone -Bars -Looking into MSD, high compression head or other Engine bits and pieces. -Engine keepers etc etc
Thanks Capt!! Just needs a wash she's pretty dirty. Yea I have ordered some just waiting on their arrival. Already have big dalusion sticker down oneside of the pole, but yea cant be seen when on the trailer.
A bit of work done over winter.......... including Rebuilt pump (new duct, reduction nozzle) and hooker 9/11, MSD enhancer, UMI turnplate, 0 degree bars, grips, 'slutty' hood mod - by Whale, lightened flywheel, Capt's footholds and hoodstraps, Knoxies engine keepers, Jetwerks flow control valve, new turf etc etc bla bla, wamiltons scupper, bigger carb jets, blowsion pole spring Removed the fuel tap, sealed up nose and converted to internal filler think thats about it...
dude, that looks pretty sweet. Where does the fuel come out of the tank? did you have to put a new hole in for the pick-up?
About time you got it all done..looks good..have you riden it yet..hows those foot holds...big difference,yea...sweet. Chatch you on the w/end. :wink:
not ridden yet.. got a new battery arriving tomorrow... hopefully get to the lake on fri arvo for a quick run and tune... should be sweet SHOT
Mate, thats a hell of a job you have done on that. Really like the hood mod, stock standard those hoods are about as watertight as a geriatric at the RSA. Did the hood mod set you back much?
thanks Dax.. was looking at options from the states for diffrent hoods but cost plus shipping then convert to NZD was just stupid.. Chris Hale did the hood mod for me.. very happy with the price.. finished product is saweet too have a look on x-h2o and search for 'slutty hood mod'
That is a nice looking square you have there, I thinkyou made a good decision not going with the SurfJetLouie hood and nose piece. Think about reinforcing the bilge area, and especially under the handle pole braket mounting area. I have seen too many stock skis crack there in the surf... Rick