Sweet ride dude, Let me know if you are keen for paint, I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who thinks he can paint. Na uncle inlaw did my ski and he knows his stuff when it comes to paint was on american hot rod for a series as there painter. Check out his web site. http://www.willie-jcustompaint.com/ Cheers Tim
Willie did me a family discount, but the full invoice was about $2400. But as you can see there was heaps of airbrush work, pearl paint. It was well worht it though, Looks mean in the sunlight. Let me know if your still keen and I can talk to him. Cheers Tim
Sounds about right to be honest, airbrushing costs a shitload unless you know a friend who knows a friend. My brother got his thundercat airbrushed, it ended up costing 3k!
Yeah your spot on. Cant say I would spend that sort of coin on paintjob but that ski does look pretty sick!
That paintjob looks nuts I love it not sure i would have spent 2400 on a paint job for my ski but damn thats awesome
The total Invoice was for 2400 including all the labor, But I paid for materials only as My wifes uncle did it so was under a grand.