FX1 for sale on trademe

Discussion in 'For Sale & Wanted' started by polesky, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. polesky

    polesky New Member

  2. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    Hi there,

    My friend used to own this ski, and then sold it to Antz who is another one of my friends, who I am guessing you bought it off? I recognise the ceet sticker on the right side, and the flush kit, the broken hood clip.... and that air filter used to be my ski (and I kinda want it back)...

    I can vouch it was in good condition up until that stage, I think it was sunk once... But all that jazz about the previous owner being in europe, it being in storage, him being a mechanic and the ski having a recent rebuild is bullshit. The only recent work done on it was a new shaft assembly as the spline died, and Antz was a hobbist mechanic, mainly on rotary engines.

    When Kane had it he rode it everytime he was home from uni... I remember a couple of trips up to shipwreck bay in kaitaia in the surf.
    It was a good ski but don't bullshit coz now you just look like an ass.
  3. polesky

    polesky New Member

    i bought this off a guy called Nick in Kohi who said all that i said on Trademe, so i'm not blowin anyones asss. i've called the guy to see if he will verify everything i've said. It is in good mechanical condition. I will change my listing until i get to the bottom of this cause...

    He said he owned it since 2000, was a mechanic, went to europe for from 2001-2006 (possibly 2003-2006 i may have years wrong and will verify when he calls) during which time he said he filled cylinders with oil and stored it. he also said he bought it off the last guy because it had just had an engine rebuild. he used to take it around everywhere in his van.

    At the end of the day, as you said, it's a mechanically great ski. it's served me well with no problems at all i just can't fit two skis at my flat. if you want an fx1 let me know, 021955369