Famous Flan

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aquanob, April 4, 2013.

  1. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Make sure you watch Campbell live tonight as our good friend Flanagan is on T.V whining about some Maoris dumping a house on his section haha, I hope you plugged the Freeride event Flan.
  2. blueii

    blueii Member

    Ha ha brilliant just saw the shorts. Shot Flan
  3. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Going going gone haha
  4. Face

    Face Member

    Michael? It took me a while
  5. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Bugger they cut the free ride plug. HAHA Im on a diet
  6. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

  7. dickwebb

    dickwebb Active Member

    Any relation Flan? Looks guilty-as to me

  8. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Haha exactly, I thought it was his dad hahahahhahahaha
  9. dax

    dax Member

  10. steve K-B

    steve K-B Member

  11. dickwebb

    dickwebb Active Member

    Hahahaha. Gold. Herbert Flannigan the Port Pervert. I now see where you get your ability to give women that "glad-eye" your famous for Flan.
  12. cash

    cash New Member

    Hahahaha read my mind
  13. bombsquad

    bombsquad Member

    $300 bux and 15 mins with my digger and Ill turn that place from a house to a bonfire pile for ya Flan 8)
  14. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    The section isn't worth 300 bucks haha
  15. dax

    dax Member

    After watching this vid again the local iwi guy at 4:43 starts explaining exactly what happened then stopped himself as he was revealing too much and just says its a mystery really! He knew exactly who it belonged to.

    Mate, if its still there stick it on trademe for 1$ reserve. Even buildings that shit seem to be worth a buck or two on trademe.
  16. Dazza

    Dazza Member

    It was gone by Saturday - they all knew what was going on the lying bastards! Apparently they left a lot of crap behind though, so there might still be enough to make a bonfire :D