Figured I should get some pictures while its still in one piece. Going through serious jetski withdrawl since last time I went out a couple of months ago and wrecked it trying nose stabs for the first time. Had cracks in the nose around the pole, lost the front cover, the top and bottom of the hull bonding had separated, the exhaust was letting in loads of water and I'd made a 50cm long crack in the hood - not bad for a days riding. So it was a crash course in jetski repair, some of it not too flash but its back in one piece and ready to wreck again!
Haha - yeah right! Fark mate, after the damage I did trying a simple nose stab imagine what would happen if I tried a back flip!
Nah, just trying nosestabs like a retard - going straight up in the air in reasonable surf and crashing straight down sideways. Was this Queens birthday weekend ... 2&start=15