big guy, little skis?!?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Azuras, February 9, 2008.

  1. Azuras

    Azuras New Member

    hey there people, complete and utter jet-ski noob here wanting to get myself a ski

    I'm a bigger guy (both height and width... lol im honest)
    and i like pole ski's over sit down skis, the sit down ski's just look like they would be boring...

    my question is:
    would a ski drag my fat ass round the water?
    I'm looking to go pretty cheap in the way of a ski. one of those older 1.5-3k ski's commonly found on tardme (I'm selling my bike to clear a bit of debt and would like to have the same amount of toys)

    was thinking along the lines of this ... =139522357
    if it will tow me around

    ok people, flame away 8)
  2. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Stay away from that ski its a shitta
  3. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    you'll have to take Tofa's word there.
    but in general a kawi 750 could do the job.
    another reccommendation would be a superjet. ya could possibly pick up a sqaure nose for that sort of money...
  4. Azuras

    Azuras New Member

    cool. ill look round see if i can find a square nose superjet

    but for amount of weight a ski will support and run around with should i be aiming for a superjet or a kawi? my main worry is starting from a dead stop while learning to ride a pole, as it is supposed to be kinda auqward for the average sized rider and at 6'4" and around 300lbs i think picking it up will move up to difficult (i must mention that while im quite heavy im very strong, able to do pushups, dips and other freeweight exercises with little effort)
  5. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    Kawi's are generally heavier and more stable than superjets. probable the best ski for you would be the sxr800, although they are a fair bit more expensive, more like 6-7k+ they are 800cc and are a far bigger and moe stable boat than the superjets.
    talk to either james or jamesfreestyle, they both have sxr's.

    In saying that, if you are looking at a sqaure nose they generally have trim system which you can use to your advantage for learning.
  6. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    There's only 2 ski's worth considering if your a fatass, A squarenose superjet or an SXR kawasaki, ones cheap so you need to find a good one that isn't fucked like most are nowdays and ones expensive but late model so you shouldn't have probs with it.
  7. X2Kid

    X2Kid Member

    For the money I think your best bet is the Kawasaki 750. They're a bit soft on the bottom-end power wise, so you'd want a lower pitch prop, higher compression or a pipe to try and address that. They have a larger hull compared to the Superjet and are therefore a bit more bouyant.

    Years ago my 130kg mate tried to learn to ride my stock 650 X2. People on shore were in tears at his efforts. 'Ski ended up sunk with him flailing about behind it. Wish I'd had a video camera with me. Priceless!
  8. Azuras

    Azuras New Member

    hmmm i hope the 750 has more buoyancy than the x2 cause 300lbs is around the 130kg area.

    im a big guy but under my fat im rather muscle bound, my friends were rather shocked when i picked them both up and walked around with them over my shoulder... (they both weigh around 70-80KGs)

    don't spose there's someone in Hamilton willing to let me have a try on their ski on the river so i can see if ill be able to float on a ski X2Kid seems to think it would be worth a watch and you would get a laugh out of it "People on shore were in tears at his efforts"
  9. X2Kid

    X2Kid Member

    130 kg mate's efforts were further compromised by the fact that X2's are incredibly unstable at low speed. SX has about 15kg more weight and is certainly the most bouyant stand up in your price range. Hope you can score a ride and get yourself 'up on the plane'.

    Good luck.
  10. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

  11. Azuras

    Azuras New Member

    lol i saw your post in the for sale section and that listing is how i found this site.
    as i said in your for sale post. dont spose youd be keen on a trade for a 92 GSX600f + cash my way?

    have to sell my bike anyway as i just wrote off my skyline and need to find it a new chassis without a big power pole shaped dent in it
  12. X2Kid

    X2Kid Member

    O.K. As you're a complete noob, a lot of what has been done to this advertised Superjet probably doesn't make a lot of sense. I'll summarise:

    The 'ski has had it's engine re-built and been modified in such a way as to produce more power, particularly bottom-end, which make it perform better in the surf (more responsive). The mod's are not over the top but will probably require a bit more maintenance than a stock 'ski. The extra power is a big plus considering your weight.

    I think you'd want to add a WORX Dominator ride plate to reduce the porpoising you'll experience. Adding 'tubbies' would increase the hull footprint, but are probably a bit full-on at this time.

    It's not an SX 750, so will be a bit harder to ride, but if your'e the athletic type you should cope. I'd still try and get a ride on as many stand up's as possible to see what you like.

    In short, it's an older 'ski with a lot of recent work done by someone who obviously knows their stuff. I'd strongly consider it if I were in your position.

    I'll just state that I have no connection with the seller and am just giving my opinion based on what I've seen on the ad. Still get the 'ski checked out by someone you can trust.

    Good luck.
  13. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    Its really a no brainer. Buy Knoxies square nose superjet off trademe. It goes mint and is awesome in the surf I know cause ive ridden it pleanty and it does sweet nose stabs best deal on T.M for anyone new to poleskis!
  14. beaker66

    beaker66 Member

    I am from hamilton and you can have a go of my square nose superjet send me a message.
  15. Azuras

    Azuras New Member

    thanks and you have PM

    that is the plan, bike is up for sale as we speak.

    Knoxie you will have a PM by the time you read this
  16. Azuras

    Azuras New Member

    well after a two hour session the best i was able to achieve was floating on the spot holding the ski upright while kneeling... then Beaker66 created wake and i fell off yet again

    tried kneeling on the shore and blasting off. ski pointed up and then bogged out when the intake came out of water... fell off
    tried the above while really leaning forward... fell off to the side

    tried 1 knee and 1 leg trailing.. fell off to the side

    tried pushing off while standing and i fell off with one or all of the above styles

    i did get on plane a couple of times but was unable to drag myself up from the lying down position with arms on gunwales. managed to rip my pants down a couple of times

    over all conclusion:
    ski will carry my if i learn to balance and am able to put more weight forward

    (hey beaker66 was the superjet full on fuel? maybe if it had more id have to worry less about fore aft balance?)
  17. X2Kid

    X2Kid Member

    You WERE warned! Did you have the video camera rolling?
  18. Azuras

    Azuras New Member

    nah my mate didnt wanna come, thought it would be boring, ill bring him next time and we will get to laugh at two people

    2 hours trying to get up and failing miserably
    i still want a pole ski over a sit down
    i have also learned that i will need a wetsuit before next attempt too, the thought of coming to shore naked after the jet unit rips my togs off does not appeal
  19. X2Kid

    X2Kid Member

    Well, at least you discovered two of the basic formulas of our sport:

    exit nozzle + wedding tackle = pain


    noobie + stand up = hilarity

    Stick with it, you'll get there!
  20. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    never forget the time i decided it would be a good idea to plant apon ignition on an unfamiliar powerful ski whilst hanging in behind it :shock: