06 freeride build up

Discussion in 'User's Rides and Builds' started by Sickboi, December 21, 2010.

  1. freesoul

    freesoul Member

    now that looks slick mate....nice.., :wink:
  2. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Lookin good ball bag, such a shame you had to bin the sick wrap you had haha
  3. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    glassed over left foothold to lock in on 1 foot leg drags on the track oh yea Tane jelly much?
    remat with 12mm of under padding for riding round on my knees between sets, Sick Random Performance ride plate via the norm 1 day sale shop that's helped slow the rapid rotation problem.
    RRP handel bar extenders setting the control width to 750mm swiped my ODI DH bike grips and capped them with blowsion bling
  4. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Put the nozzle on and put a pic up bro
  5. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    You do nice work man your ski looks tidy as I would be scared of being spiked by that rideplate tho!
  6. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    You dont have to worry bout that sox as you wont see him at the races lol

    Nice ski sickboy...Hopefully there will be some surf in march so you can show us how she flys.
  7. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Yea those rideplates are the shizzle, Mark is moving up at xmas so another member into the team Asshole ranks
  8. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Long live Team AH
  9. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Im sexy and i know it
  10. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    Your a dick and you kno it.^^^
    work in progress in the tray
    the new look
    shake down last weekend,
    I have to say the credit for this syke build go's to Steve Amende from OPW, NZ's superjet race guru! he put the engin/pump combo together and what i think is rad is he has raced stand ups for over 20 years and holds NZ titles and the pinnacle of his riding career was gettin fucken loose this year at age 42 like a ganster and busting a back flip in the surf, so haharr all you race fags put that in ya pipe and smoke it! As far as my workshop skill set-im good for go get the coffee mark or i would go as far to say i can pull nails out of bits of wood by my self..
  11. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

  12. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    yo made me laugh out load
    so what you are really saying is you had to get a racer to sort out your surf ski
  13. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    ok so um...... what you doing with a load in you mouth terry?

    Aaaaaand back to me,
    What i was slowing eluding to with my last energy pipe fuelled ranting post is that it dont matter what your age or how long you been riding for, at some stage you will need to own that weak celled small voice in your head that says you cant flip off this one. tell it fuck up and gas it up! I hate driving home after a days riding feeling like i chicken winged it out of a wave in my opinion there is nothing as rewarding in the surf as watching a mate attempting a flip and cheering them on for a fail, but do remember if you fail in epic proportions it will become a winning failure for us so all you freeride leeeeeegends get out there and post up some carnage.
  14. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    ATP billet nozzle has made for hyper sensitive steering and increased throw
    had to cut small grove in pump housing to clearance cable
    no shit now i can almost side mount this thing like a blaster
  15. DanW

    DanW Member

    mint nozzel alright did u get it from ajsp? whats the damage?
  16. SOX

    SOX Active Member

  17. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member

    I got in 2 of them PM me if keen $225
  18. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Fukin robber
  19. RNSurfer

    RNSurfer New Member


    I,ll go for that nozzle if still available as mine doesn't have much life left
  20. RNSurfer

    RNSurfer New Member


    Sickboi whats a/c name