Who hits the bottom???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JetPilot, November 25, 2007.

  1. JetPilot

    JetPilot Member

    Is is just me or do other people hit the bottom with the back of their ski sometimes? I've smashed one back corner off mine but hasn't effected the ski to ride. fine line between landing too deep and too flat I guess???
  2. Droughty

    Droughty Member

    yea mate, ive done the same. haha. just in the shallow in the surf tho. Broke my pole off last weekend. Cant find another one either.
  3. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    I know a few of the guys hit the bottom with the nose of the ski doing stabs....mainly on the shallower breaks on the east coast beaches...
  4. Yeah always hit the bottom at mangawai its only about 2 foot deep on the bar sometimes.. no damage so far
  5. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    My rubber condom thing at the front is coming off from a nasty sub in murky water... and yeah hit the ride plate a few times but nothing major
  6. wingie

    wingie Member

    yep hit the back plenty off times lost a couple off ride plate and broken one as well , broken the bond rail on the left hand side hitting a rock . hit the nose a few times as well but no damage there yet
  7. JetPilot

    JetPilot Member

    hmmm so I'm not the only one... well I hit the bottom over and over yesterday, trying to master re-entries and landed back in the wave upside down, let go after 3rd or 4th roll and popped up to see ski upside down, flipped it over and pole pad had been wiped off, tried to start it but had to swim it in.
    dragged it up the beach thinking dam its heavy and water was halfway up the engine.
  8. kiddsxr800

    kiddsxr800 New Member

    yea man i do all the time
  9. superjetx

    superjetx Member

    Yeah i hit the bottom in good clean surf on a good straight re-entry, hasn't caused any harm yet but kinda gives me a fright. I smashed the backend out of a 550 years ago but the water was about a foot deep so it was my own stupid fault