Wanted: Yamaha 701 Flywheel/Bendix

Discussion in 'For Sale & Wanted' started by GecKo, January 20, 2008.

  1. GecKo

    GecKo New Member

    The funny noises coming from my engine happened to be an exploded bendix which had locked itself completely on, in the process bits of metal from it have destroyed one of the magnets on my flywheel, somehow the stators are still ok!

    If anyone has a flywheel/bendix, I'd be interested.
  2. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    Same thing happened to me at new years... But flywheel and stator.
  3. GecKo

    GecKo New Member

    Just out of interest, where is the factory place for the earth strap to be attached? I've got a Wave Blaster, as have a few mates, all of theirs seem to be attached to the starter motor, where as mine is attached to the lower factory exhaust bolt.

    An auto electrician mate (and SJ owner) reckons that's stupid, as every time the starter motor is engaged, the curcuit would complete through the bendex, flywheel, etc.

    Where is it supposed to be earthed?
  4. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    Wouldn't it just earth thru the body of the starter?

    I don't think it makes a huge difference - But I think the stock place is on the back of the starter.
  5. GecKo

    GecKo New Member

    You would think so, but for some reason my mate didn't seem to think so.

    Odd, I wonder why mine was moved in the first place.
  6. Redtro

    Redtro Member

    hi, I have a 2nd handflywheel, if you want to contact me... teeth show a little wear, it was taken from a 701 and works sweet as.

    Strongly, stronglysuggest buying bendix new and genuine parts... or setting yourself up for a repeat problem - I did use the cheaper version previously and it only lasted 18 months - bashing round in there wrecking crank seals when it gave way.