Wanted : FCUKD MSD

Discussion in 'For Sale & Wanted' started by Rumble, February 23, 2008.

  1. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    I'm after a busted MSD which someone is prepared to give me...

    I'm having a friend look into building a Dalusion CDI so if you supply me with some bits which help (preferably the MSD) and I can actually build them I can do you one for the cost price or maybe less.

  2. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    ive got one you can have
  3. Rumble

    Rumble Member

    Sweet, didnt expect that in 1/2 an hour!

  4. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    Hey rumble keep us posted on this, it should be very interesting...........
  5. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    Yeh definately!
    are they going to produce a similar/ same rev range as the msd ignition?
  6. Tim

    Tim Member

    Hey Rumble,

    You should talk to Waxhead he makes an ignition already, he may have some tips. See his website waxracing.com. I think thats it if the top of my head any way google it.
