wanted- beach trolled

Discussion in 'For Sale & Wanted' started by Dylan, May 5, 2013.

  1. Dylan

    Dylan Member

    Hey guys, am after a beach trolley for the sj, any floating around or good places to get one or any plans for one? cheers
  2. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    I am looking to get some parts ordered and get Tayne to weld some up
    anyone else want one
    may even look at kit sets if you want to weld them up yourselves
  3. jamesrandell

    jamesrandell Member

    Yep. I might be keen for one as well. Let me known how they price up.
  4. Dylan

    Dylan Member

    yeah sounds great count me in, happy to give him a hand etc too
  5. jet ski bum

    jet ski bum Member

    Be good if everyone sketched up design ideas as the four wheel ones take up too much room for transport and the wheels are $50 EACH. Guys must have ideas for good two wheel one?
  6. I've got a real simple two wheeled one I made. Just bars in a u-shape to make the runners and the handle then another bar a bit lower to hold the wheels. A bit harder to push than the 4-wheelers but nice and compact + really cheap. Would be awesome made of aluminium
  7. loose kid

    loose kid New Member


    where can ya get the wheels for $50 cheers
  8. Wheels & Casters
    31 Porana Rd, Glenfield.
    Can't remember how much they are
  9. Dylan

    Dylan Member

    Bought ski m.ds one today, ended up putting two huge bar clamps at each end of the rails to bend them in so they fit the hull better, and there is now room in the garage not having to have the trailer inside! Win win