waikato mercer rapid ride

Discussion in 'Rides On' started by SOX, July 27, 2008.

  1. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    yo we went to the mercer rapid today to do some jumps but unfortunately the river was running so high that the rapid was clean swallowed up. it was a cold as ride but we found ourselves riding over farmland over fences through bush and trees and all the places you just wouldnt go. it was easy to go miles inland on some farmers patch. well worth braving the cold. sorry there was no invite it was a last minute thing but i thing knox or kimberley may have got photos or footage.. il txt him to put it up.
  2. blueii

    blueii Member

    Yeah river was running pretty high:) Got a few pics.





    Last shot was actually a small side stream / farmers paddock.
  3. waxhead

    waxhead Member

    Great looking trailer