SJ Nose Cones

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CHENZO, November 26, 2007.


    CHENZO Member

    How many guys out there would be interested in a new nose cone for their SJ? Or more to the point who has a broken one??

    Droughty and I have both got broken ones and have approached a Fibre Glasser to build a mould.
    Just trying to get an idea of who may want one to see if it is a feasible option. Its fairly expensive to get one made due to the mould but would be cheap to get a few done?
    Could have them made in most colours too I think?
  2. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    by nose cone do ya mean the nose piece that covers the pole bracket?

    CHENZO Member

    Yep, thats the one.
  4. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    In that case...need the hood to match :p
  5. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    yea i could be keen on one if you make them like the blowsion or 24/7 low profile.
  6. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    you can't really have the same low profile without a low profile hood though can you? Saw a pic of one and the nose left the hood breather holes wide open.

    CHENZO Member

    yea, jet fish has a point there.
    The standard hood wont work with the low profile nose cone.

    we were looking more at a direct replacement.
    We would have to make hoods too if we made low profile nose cones! lol
  8. blitza

    blitza Member

    i've a mold for the sn fuel filler panel if someone is desperate for one..
  9. Watty

    Watty New Member

    Standard hoods are the best candidates for a lowered modification.

    There's not a single aftermarket hood out there that fits as well as the stocker, so my suggestion would be to modify it and make a new nose piece to suit.

    It's easier than you think!