
Discussion in 'Rides On' started by SOX, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    Saturday looks to be the best day to ride and the west coast is the place to go for this weekends best surf. east looks to go all messy by the weekend while there is only 0.1m chop forcast for all day saturday on the west!! swell height is supposted to be a friendly 1m. everyone on this site should all meet up somewhere so we can make a sweet video with heaps of different riders on it! the three options are we could go to the port or raglan or muriwhai so sign up below with your opinion and whatever destination gets the most votes by friday avo we should go there...

    Amping to ride!!
  2. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    I vote Muriwai
  3. Shopper

    Shopper Member

    ill come if skis still floating and legs are sweet
  4. Keen for Port...
  5. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    keen for where ever.....but dont have a 4wd for launching at muriwai....
  6. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Port is good for me as long as im not towing in the big surf.
  7. ces the mess

    ces the mess New Member

    also have a couple of mates on sit downs that would join in
    dont worry about the 4wd drive, enough around to help out...
  8. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    so muriwai it is then see you guys on the beach, the access closest to the surf club down the forestry road next to the golf course at say 10am?
  9. Sellotaped my pole bracket together and wet the whistle down out on the Harbour. Stopped off for a breather at Rangi & followed some Naval grey shoebox ship thing into Devonport, good air time & wake riding.
  10. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    The sand was soft as hell on the beach access to muriwai making it a hard start to the day, we finally made it through to find 2ft of swell and dropping. at least on the west there are always the decent size waves that spring up now and then and I managed to get a couple of average size backflips in! all in all good day! oh yea nice blaster backflip attempt flan...