
Discussion in 'Rides On' started by JOHNNY STANDUP, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Hey Lads - Im off to M.Heads tomorrow morn - tides in at 11.00 and rumour has it - theres some resonable surf. Getting some gas at BP Silverdale 9.00 -9.30ish. Giveus a text if your keen.

    Cheers Johnny

    0274 8274 95
  2. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Shame about the chop but it was good to get wet. beats rapid riding anyrate.
  3. Caught up with Flan and a couple of other pole ski's. The bar was a big washing machine with heaps of easterly breese but we all managed to get some decent air - hard work though - so home early.