
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Patrickz, May 16, 2011.

  1. Patrickz

    Patrickz Member

    I see in all your videos that you wear helmets when riding, is this just in the surf so if the ski lands on your head you hopefully won't get knocked out? What helmets do you wear? just cheap motox ones?
  2. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    most use downhill mountain bike / bmx, full face helmets as they are a bit lighter......or wakeboard open-face helmets
  3. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    keeps you warm too

    it costs me a fortune to keep skis going so full face hopefully saves the Dentist bill too
  4. B0000M

    B0000M Member

    i just use my old mx helmets.

    the salt water doesnt do them any favours so expensive new ones are out of the question for me.

    and yeah, its there for warmth and protection and floatation once you do knock yourself out at least your head will float better and and your brains wont leak out so much

    (at least thats my theory)
  5. blueii

    blueii Member

    Also full face helps prevent sunburn - not such a big problem at this time of year tho.

    Even with just lots of skis around good idea to wear a helmet - Swampy got hit pretty bad at Tuakau :(
  6. Rickster

    Rickster Member

    That where we carry the cameras that take those videos that you watch....

    At one stage we tried to use tripods, but they were damn near impossible to keep steady while attached to the ski, and duct tape and staples just was not strong enough to hold the camera mounts...

  7. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    Get a fag hat
  8. B0000M

    B0000M Member

    im not sure what u mean...

    got a picture of your one?
  9. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    A fag hat is a wakeboard helmet which I do wear in the surf when I ride every weekend while your at home flicking your bean with Tim.
  10. Rickster

    Rickster Member

    I'll show you my helmet if you shoe me yours!!!
