Cutting ride plate...

Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by dax, September 24, 2011.

  1. dax

    dax Member

    I've got a Riva plate on my ski and its that damn long I could almost stand on it...

    So at Tofa's recommendation I'm going to chop it.

    Any ideas how far to chop it back, I was thinking flush with the ski. And what difference does the "D" cut make? Is it worth cutting a "D" and if so, how far back and what diameter?

    If ya's reckon D cut is the go I'll probably get some metal shop to cut it as I'd be sure to make it rough as guts.

  2. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Dax I just cut mine flush with the back of the ski. Same as a stock one. Long ride plates are bloody dangerous in the surf.
  3. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Just cut it flush with the back of the ski then ride like that before cutting a d into it...i have a d plate you can try before cutting yours up.