check this out! SJ Supercharger!

Discussion in 'For Sale & Wanted' started by B0000M, February 22, 2010.

  1. B0000M

    B0000M Member

  2. L8N

    L8N Member

  3. L8N

    L8N Member

    Wot's the youtube shit have to do with it??
  4. waxhead

    waxhead Member

    Here is one on a superjet

  5. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    thats wicked man did it ever run?
  6. waxhead

    waxhead Member

    Nah it was never intended to. I only did it as a joke
    I had it there and it bolted in and it made a cool picture
  7. B0000M

    B0000M Member

    the youtube shit was a cockup on my behalf. evidently i forgot to click copy on the link!

    still a fucken funny video though!
  8. The one out of Wax's ski is the one Linc got running and is now for sale on trade me
  9. glukasil

    glukasil Member

    how long does the belt last?
    r there any for kawasaki?
    how much kick does it produce?