Anyone want any UMI Bars.

Discussion in 'For Sale & Wanted' started by d.i.l.l.i.g.a.f, March 6, 2009.

  1. I have one set of UMI bars and one set of motor cycle bars which are off my Blaster (Very Wide).

    I'll be back in NZ late April, if anyone wants these i'll bring them over.
  2. josh

    josh Member

    actually yeah, i'd be pretty keen on the UMI bars..

    how much?
    0 degree, 5 degree?

    cheers mate
  3. Josh,

    I'm pretty sure they are 5 degree, if you want them let me know as they are no good to me. As far as costs go, box of beer ??
  4. Deej

    Deej Member

    make sure its a box of light beer, thats all he drinks now....
  5. Little guns you know I'm old and soft living over here now.

    Hmmmmmmmm 30 odd degrees all week again, lucky the gas is cheap and the beer is cold.
  6. josh

    josh Member

    yeah man, keen as mustard. got some cold ones sittin here for you 8)

    are you coming to auckland?
  7. We'll be in Auckland Thursday 23rd April until Sunday 26th.

    Staying in Papakura Thursday night then staying on the shore for Friday & Saturday.