
Discussion in 'Tech Discussion' started by Timmy, August 8, 2011.

  1. Timmy

    Timmy Member

    What sort of performance can be expected for a kawa 650sx, thats had a recent full rebuild, new stainless impreller, pipe, and minor skim.

    Would this be sufficient for some surf riding or just some fun for a beginner?
  2. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    Hey yeah it should go good if its all rebuilt. Have you got any pictures of your rebuild?
  3. Timmy

    Timmy Member

    Ah i wasnt the one that rebuilt it, its at farnleys the jetski store in chch. And just seein if it would be sufficient for what im wanting.
  4. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Hey Timmy sounds like your pretty keen to get something in the water aye lol.

    If you can hold out for a superjet thats in your budget...A 650sx will be ok but id say spend that little extra and get a sj.

    There is one on trade me in auckland for $2800 on a trailer...It looks to be a stock square in pretty good condition.
    With frieght prices it be about $500 to get it to you?

    There is also a 650sj for $1200 in chch which will be alot better than a 650sx.
    And with a few easy cheap mods you can get a 650 going pretty good for both free riding and surf
  5. Timmy

    Timmy Member

    Yea im really keen, and the water is only getting warmer.

    What mods would ya need for the 650 sj?

    And other than checkin compression and the imprellor, engine mounts anything else that needs doin? and what would the reliability be like?
  6. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Its hard buying older gear but with the superjet as long as compressions are within 5psi of each other and there is no massive knock coming from the bottom end you should be fine.

    When you get a ski post what you end up with and what mods are on it and we can let you know of other little tricks you can do yourself if you are handy on the spanners.