High flyers Square nose 62t dual carb superjet

Discussion in 'User's Rides and Builds' started by high flyer, March 29, 2010.

  1. high flyer

    high flyer Member

    Next we strengthened it up with some glass matting....



    then we modifyed the top of the pole

    And here we have the finished product ........






    And last but not least a shiny new prop, solas concord 12/18 big hub

  2. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    you runniga stubbie cone ?
  3. high flyer

    high flyer Member

    No not yet kinda ran out of funds this year But its on my list of things to get
  4. high flyer

    high flyer Member

    Here is an update its been a while
    I have replaced my old electrics with new 61x stuff and a lightened flywheel,


  5. high flyer

    high flyer Member

    I then removed the old CDI and replaced it with a new msd..



  6. player1

    player1 New Member

    Hey, who owns this! we have the same setup in a SN, the breather tubes from the hood are hitting the stock airbox and the one above the B-pipe is removed as I guess it would have hit the B-pipe. what setup did you do to solve?
  7. Cyprus

    Cyprus Member

    Hey Player 1,this what i did to my daughter's ski, i removed the rubber hose's and i grind it flush to the inner layer of the hood just on the air box side, the b pipe side just remove rubber hose.

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  8. dax

    dax Member

    Don't the rubber hoses prevent it from filling with water and sinking when upside down?
    bombsquad likes this.
  9. Cyprus

    Cyprus Member

    Yes your right there Dax, and usually the skipper goes down with it....