as you all have probably figured out by now, the standard jet ski batteries are total shit. they seem to last about 6 months for me, and thats a good one.... im a bit sick of having to replace them , and going to use the ski and find that its fucked.... is there a tried and tested better alternative that preferably doesnt cost the earth?
i use power volt and have had no trouble in any of my skiz.i also have a c-tec charger set up that just plugs in my plug on tha batery when im not useing it.keeps it toped up and also cuts out when charged.
yeah , ive done this, disconnect it, and i use an old house alarm battery connection to charge it (im an ex security tech- these charge at 500ma and keep alarm batteries topped up. they usually last around 5 years) yet i still chew through batteries fast- usually they lose all their acid somehow while im out riding. i guess this is in part due to my ski being lent over a lot while its being ridden, crashed and rolling up the beach
Try a MF Maintenance Free battery you wont have a problem loosing your acid. I had also tried in a couple of mates skies using gel cell style batteries, they where good as no acid to loose and as far as i know they are still going today 7years down the track.
ive just bought a PALMA brand sealed gel cell jobbie off nulife batteries (from trademe) cost $125 incl freight. the battery is the exact same spec and size / shape (appears to be made in same moulds) as all the other gel cell batteries ive seen. 6 month warranty in a ski, ill post up here if it lets me down, but the ski cranks over a hell of a lot faster than with a standard shit wet battery. so far so good.
Im doing gel batteries for my customers. Not one problem so far and have run one in my superjet for 3 years.. Never disconnect it and only charged it once after i nailed my electrics when the bendix let go. 175incl got two in stock. Located in Massey, West Auckland.
I have a blaster and a SJ which get a hammering in the surf. I went through alot of lead acid batteries. For 90$ you can get a gell cell Haze HZB12_18ah from M Power in Albany. I have had one in my SJ for 2 years and no problem In Blaster for 5 year also with no problem. M power supply most of the big users like telecom with batteries. I recomend them.
Best battery I've had yet and its not a bad price, replaceable terminals too so no problems with broken terminals...
so far so good for me. i also run my bilge continuously with no switch - eg connect battery before i leave home then disconnect after cleaning up though sox had one of these fail in his ski. so... kinda inconclusive results i guess
any battery brand can fail after a short time, stick with the likes of yuasa, odyssey etc and you should get the best results. keep them charged with a small trickle charger when not using the ski for a while a you'll get the best out of them.
what can you get them in for? we sell all the century/yuasa range at work, i'll look up our buy price.
X4... Retail Norm at your service... :lol: Seriously tho, PM me your price as I want to compare with what I was quoted from a mate that is a Century Battery Rep...