NZfreeride @ port

Discussion in 'Pics & Videos' started by Sickboi, May 6, 2012.

  1. Sickboi

    Sickboi Member and i was seriously fucking thinking today where the fuckin fuck did all these old seadoo's come from?? Music for Flan
  2. dickwebb

    dickwebb Active Member

    Really?? You sure??

    Nice edit by the way.
  3. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    looks like good ride! ...been awhile since anyones fully sunk at port! :)
  4. steve K-B

    steve K-B Member

    Choice last shot, How the heck did you sink dickwebb?

    Must be a weekend for rooting engines, two fucked pistons on my mates SJ yesterday.
  5. T Bear

    T Bear Active Member

    awsome day backy after backy
    nice to see norm finish a seasoin without sinking
    my first time on a ski for oh along time
    excellent video mark and good turnout considering a few regulars not there
  6. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    wheres all the good footage homo
  7. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Whats the matter mate not enuff of you in that lot lol.

    Another sweet production...Thanks and hopefully see you this weekend
  8. Flan

    Flan Well-Known Member

    Good sounds Mark. Makes me apreciate my mullet. Would have been good to see a seepoo sink. nice footage.
  9. Aquanob

    Aquanob Active Member

    On the money tofa, it's all about me