knoxies PJS 550JS

Discussion in 'User's Rides and Builds' started by knoxie, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    Finally got my 550JS back together!! ...will probably try to sell soon if anyones interested ! :D

    has got :


    Full PJS Viper 7000 Motor - (based on kawasaki 550)
    - PJS cases
    - PJS cylinders (have huge ports - take reeds from 750 motor)
    - PJS head
    - PJS exhaust manifold, head pipe & chamber
    - 0.5mm over Wiseco Pistons with PJS spec boost ports & skirt cut
    - Twin 38mm Mikuni SBN carbs
    - Boysen dual stage carbon fibre reeds.
    - Westcoast fuel pick-up

    - 440 style pump
    - lightened driveshaft
    - Skat trak 4 blade 19 degree stainless steel impeller
    - WestCoast bearing housing support

    - Quick turn steer plate
    - Stainless steel nose brace
    - Westcoast pole spring bracket
    - PJS extended ride plate
    - PJS toploader scoop grate





  2. tofa

    tofa Well-Known Member

    Mate what a minta! how does it go?
  3. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    goes pretty mint! ....from what ive read these motors are about 70-75hp ....which is pretty good in a 550 hull considering they are about half that hp stock.

    Revvs its nuts off and is so loud its just offensive!! :lol:

    had to reco the impeller as it was cavitating bad high up!!
  4. SOX

    SOX Active Member

    knox is right you have to hear this puppy go its awesome!
  5. FreeStylin_SJ

    FreeStylin_SJ Member

    Man that ski has more HP than my SJ :(
  6. Jet FiSH

    Jet FiSH Member

    Thats the mintest 550 I've seen :shock:
  7. beaker66

    beaker66 Member

    you must have spent hours polishing that exhaust. Thats some shinny shit. not that I need another ski but how much are you asking for it.

    DIGGER Member

    Holy Jeebus!

    CHENZO Member

    You know theres probably some crazy american out there that would pay millions for a classic ski like that! lol
    Im sure its kinda rare and it certainly has all the "Bling" Factor you could ever ask for! lol

    As long as it uses heaps more fuel than it should then the Americans will buy it! lol
  10. knoxie

    knoxie Active Member

    helps havin a polishing wheel at work! :lol: not sure what ill ask 4 it yet ...just sussing out if ill try sell it wif trailer etc.

    you rekon!? sweet!! ....anyone know any crazy americans???!! :lol: