Wanted: Bildge pump complete

Discussion in 'For Sale & Wanted' started by thornton, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. thornton

    thornton Member

    hey was trying to ride my ski while siting on the front and have realised after sinking it i'am in need of a bildge pump, has anyone got one they want to part with or know where i can get one for the right price?

    CHENZO Member

    Get a Rule blige pump from any good boat dealer.
    They are about $80 - $100 I think.
    Most of them will have outlets as well but they may only be plastic. Alloy ones would be available from Watercraft world.

    The only think is youll have to get a good switch as they are generally the most unreliable part. A good water proof toggle switch could be around $50! If you use it in the sea id suggest getting a waterproof one as the salt eats the brass/copper contacts! I learnt this from experience.

    When I say water proof I mean water I mean sealed on both sides not just the front!!

    DIGGER Member

    I have an old rule one that came out of my ski that I was just going to replace with a more powerful one.

    They are not that expensive to buy new, try http://boatshop.co.nz/ they have heaps or your local ski shop should be able to sort you out.
  4. LiquidFix

    LiquidFix Member

    ive got pumps,rule 500 for $70 and alloy outlets $20
    and also the trick sealed 3 way switches which seem to outlast all other types for $85.
    im out of the country till thursday but touch base with me then if i can help.
    cheers roger