Anyone Got a Sea-doo 951 motor I can borrow to test fit?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by James, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. James

    James Member

    As per the title, does anyone have a have a 951 motor I can borrow to test fit, it won't be run I just need one to test fit mounts while my motor is coming from the states, doesn't have to be a runner, even just a set of cases would do.
  2. If your mounts are done you can bring it round and try my motor in it. Come sooner rather than later tho as the ski will be getting but together soon.
  3. James

    James Member

    Mounts are not done yet, I need to mock it up so I can get a tank made up, are you around tonight if you are will come out and can just take measurements of yours as we are using same engine/pipe combo. (and this time will definitely make it!)